
个人档案<男|离异|1960年01月出生|属鼠|水瓶座|身高:169cm|大专|Sales manager|职业类型:其它|平均月收入:6000 - 8000元人民币|户籍地区:上海徐汇|居住地区:上海徐汇>
男,1960年1月生,离异,身高169厘米,大专学历,Sales manager,平均月收入6000 - 8000元人民币。上海徐汇户口,在上海徐汇居住,有婚房。I wish to get to know you as a start, then let it be.If you wish someone in Shanghai to share your loneliness, to enjoy your happiness, maybe it is me !If you can accept a man who can not be regarded as tall, handsome,rich, maybe it is me !Preferably I wish I can write you in English just because I can type faster.征婚地区: 上海、北京。